What is Vimeotheque?

Vimeotheque is a WordPress plugin that can link your Vimeo video content to your WordPress website by creating video posts that can be viewed from your website. It is an excellent choice to create more exposure for your video content from Vimeo or to create membership websites to sell your content.

Some of the uses we found most popular are:

  • yoga and fitness membership website;
  • online courses for schools and colleges;
  • church website;
  • vlogging website;
  • audiovisual production professionals presentation website;
  • sport teams presentation website;
  • online universities;
  • TV station website.
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Start your video site now!

Manage and coordinate your Vimeo channels, albums or videos with your WordPress website. Perfect fit for membership, portfolio, online courses or any type of video collection.

Get Vimeotheque PRO!