Plugin authorization on Vimeo

In addition to public videos and feeds, Vimeotheque PRO allows you to query your private videos and private showcases and you can also import from Vimeo folders.

Before being able to import any private item you must grant access for the plugin to query your Vimeo account.

To successfully authorize the plugin on Vimeo you must enter the return URL from plugin Settings into your Vimeo app returns URL’s, otherwise you will run into the “Uh oh, something went wrong” authorization error when trying to do the authorization.

After you successfully created and entered your Vimeo App keys click the link “Authorize the plugin on Vimeo“. This will take you to Vimeo consent screen where you simply have to follow the steps displayed and allow access for the plugin app.

Vimeotheque PRO authorize plugin OAuth on Vimeo

Authorization will give you access only to your private videos and folders.

After authorization you will be redirected back to your website and the green link should have turned red and say “Remove authorization credentials”.

Removing the authorization you remove access to your private videos when making a query to Vimeo using Vimeotheque.

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